‘Mosaic Affair’- Saturday 22 June

‘Mosaic Affair’- Saturday 22 June

Regular price $70.00

Experience your own ‘Mosaic Affair’ and enjoy a creative Saturday morning as you create away designing your own mini mosaic.

Sift through a colourful array of broken crockery, mosaic tiles, beads and jewellery pieces to make a one of a kind, hanging, work of art!

The first half of the workshop will be all about creating our beautiful mosaics before we get all messy and grout them into place!

Location: Wishart Creative, Creative Geelong, 152 Little Malop Street, Geelong, 3220
Time: 12:00-15:00

The workshop is also suitable for ages 8 upwards (with an accompanying adult) so it’s also an excuse to literally create special memories together!

Tea, coffee and hot chocolate will be provided along with a sweet treat ☕️